I have figured out how to listen to the local and national news broadcasts, most of the local and national politicians, and have it make sense.

You see, I have been wondering for weeks, months, years, why so much of what I saw and heard was happening in the world just didn’t make sense to me. Why does the government get to just take so much of the money that I’ve made over the entire course of my working years? If I just took money from others it would be called ‘stealing’. When the money was taken from me via my paycheck it was called ‘taxes’.

As an RN, I didn’t understand why, when people were ‘following the rules’ of the medical establishment, getting all the preventive testing, taking the recommended medicines, having the surgeries they were told they needed, they were getting sicker and sicker instead of better.

And then it hit me: Everything ‘they’ are telling us to do is the opposite of what we should be doing to stay well! Everything ‘they’ are telling us about the world is the opposite of what is true!
Stick with me here. Try it for yourself. Every time you’re listening to or watching something and you think, hey, that doesn’t make sense!’– flip it!

For example: You are told that you should self isolate and self quarantine to protect you from the virus. You hear this and think, that doesn’t make sense! I have lived my entire life without doing these things to prevent illness. My immune system protects me from illness. I’m not sick! I know getting outside to be in the sun for 20 minutes every day is a good thing!

So, flip it! You should NOT self isolate and quarantine! This contributes to illness! Ahhhh. Something clicks. Now it makes sense.

Here’s the bottom line: ‘They’ do not have your best interests at heart. ‘They’ have a different agenda that does not include your well-being.

Stop doing what you are being told is ‘good’ for you.

Question everything!

Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~Wayne Dyer

And since we are talking about Wayne Dyer’s quote, I decided to include this clip of him here. It’s just a few minutes long and well worth watching.