by Karen Creamer | Aug 15, 2016 | Angels, health, Signs and Symbols
For many years, I was fortunate enough to be part of a small group of women who practiced yoga together at the home of the instructor
Me and Kristen, photo by Bill Creamer
(and my good friend) Kristen. We were together at least one day per week and we laughed, cried, supported each other, and cheered each other on to be, on any given day, the best we could be.
Then Kristen moved away. Our group disbanded. We were (and are) very sad about this. After many years of practice with my teacher, I was now a woman without a yoga class.
Recently, I was blessed to be able to revisit the past.
Kristen came to Maine to visit for 2 weeks and was kind and generous enough to spend 3 of her mornings practicing yoga with us.
She also had a small pouch of stones with her. She asked us each to pull one. I pulled JOY.
Which I loved! And then promptly lost. As I looked through all of my (millions of) bags trying to find it, I realized that this whole episode is a metaphor for my life right now: looking for joy in all the wrong places.
I remembered that at the last
Enlightenment Expo, I had a conversation with an Angel Intuitive who told me the Angel of Joy was with me because…wait for it…I didn’t have enough joy in my life. And that was in APRIL! Note to self: Work harder on this!
Yoga at the Wells Harbor Gazebo was a good start.
by Karen Creamer | Aug 7, 2016 | books, Interviews, no fear, The BRAVE Interviews, writing
Hello and welcome to my new series: The BRAVE Interviews! It’s the Who, What, When, Where, How, (and sometimes Why) of YOUR ‘one brave thing’!
We are kicking off the series with Kathy Eliscu, author of the wonderful book, Not Even Dark Chocolate Can Fix This Mess.
So, let’s get started-
Me and Kathy at the Falmouth Library, 2016.
- WHO are you? A: I’m Kathy Eliscu. I’m a retired RN (from an injury) and have been writing freelance columns for decades. I have a 7-year-long running humor column in Maine called “Lightly Roasted” and am the author of the humor novel “Not Even Dark Chocolate Can Fix This Mess.”
- WHAT is your One Brave Thing (so far!!) for 2016? A: I had been scheduled for a brief reading from my book but asked if I could share some of my “serious” unpublished material and was given the go-ahead.
- WHEN did you do it? A: This was in May of this year.
- WHERE did it occur? A: At the Local Buzz in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
- HOW did you make it happen? A: Well…I opened my big mouth and asked.
- WHY did you do it? A: I’ve been working on some serious material for a couple of years but felt very insecure about it. I wanted to push myself to try it out. It just seemed like the right time to take a chance. And I got very good feedback on it, so now I feel I have the impetus to continue to do this kind of work as well as humor writing.
Thank you so much, Kathy!
Kathy’s wonderful book (which I read and loved!) is available on her website: and at
*P.S. Sorry! I am not sure who took the above picture! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jul 21, 2016 | Crystals, Rocks and Crystals
I went to a class at Lavish Earth Holistic Center and Crystal Showroom in Westbrook last weekend. The topic was Beginning Energy Workshop.First, Amy taught us all a method of clearing ourselves that was new to me. I have used it often since the class–every day, in fact! I love it.
Then she talked about the ceremony of using crystals as part of energy healing, and I thought, YES! YES! YES! This! I love how she added a new dimension for me to how I do this work.
An added bonus to this class was being able to choose a new pendulum. I got an unusual looking Amethyst pendulum that seemed as if it was looking at me: there is a darker circular area that to me looked like an eye. This reminded me of the third eye, so I chose it. Full disclosure: I also chose it because the 5 pendulums prior to that said “No” when I asked them if they wanted to work with me. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jul 6, 2016 | Affirmations, Spiritual Practice
I was in the drive through at the bank with my husband, waiting while the teller was counting out our deposit.
While I was waiting, I started thinking: “I am a money magnet!” and “Wealth is just pouring into my life at a rapid rate now!”
Why not? I had to sit there and wait anyway. MIght as well make it fun.
Then, we heard her call us over the microphone:
“There’s an extra $70 here. Did you want to deposit that, too?”
Yes! Please!
Thank you, Universe! Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jul 3, 2016 | Angels, Book Reviews, dreams, Signs and Symbols, Spiritual Practice
I was in the middle of two other books when I suddenly felt an urgency to read this book. I picked this one up and put the others aside. I read another book by this author last year, Hands That Heal, and enjoyed it very much. This book popped up in much the same way, out of the blue. I forget how I even learned about it!
So right at the beginning, Echo talks about listening to her mother. This resonated with me because just this week, I was talking someone (My husband? My daughter? My higher self? I forget!) about how I never listened to my mother. I have no idea why I didn’t. But my mom, as Echo describes her mom, “…always had an uncanny knowing about everything that happened in our lives.” It was unsettling, I always thought. Now I know why: it was her intuition. Keep reading