by Karen Creamer | Jan 2, 2023 | Clarity, my one word, Spiritual Practice
I’ve been writing about the practice of choosing one word to focus on for the entire year for over a decade now. I write about and I do it.
The book My One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen describes the practice. Check it out if you are interested in finding out more about it.
Alternatively, you could visit the My One Word website and learn more that way. I have shared these resources before and I still refer to them from time to time.
My past words have been:
2010: Breathe
2011: Edit Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Aug 25, 2022 | Comfort
Anyone who has followed me for even 5 minutes knows that I love the ocean.
Usually I walk the beach on sunny (or sunny-ish) days or a sit in my car with a book and my journal. Depending on how much time I have, I do both.

Today, I had the time and the desire to go walk, but the weather was not even remotely sunny-ish. It was actually pouring rain and by 5:30pm it was clear that it would not be letting up. I decided to just drive there anyway. I figured I’d sit and read my book for a little while until it was too dark to see the page.
I got there and parked the car. It was almost high tide. I really wanted to walk on the beach but you know, rain. While I sat there, something that husband said to me the other day came to mind: Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Aug 22, 2022 | Clarity, Holistic Healing
I was thinking about all of the bad (but not life threatening) things that happened to us last week and feeling awful when I suddenly heard (with my psychic ears) this: “100 Gratitudes”. (I literally got a tingly feeling in my legs when I wrote that just now). Was this my intuition talking? After hearing it several times, I decided that it was. I stopped my pity party and got out my journal* and wrote a list of “100 Gratitudes” (in no particular order).
The process was completely stream of consciousness. One thing led to the next and to the next. It took all of about 10 minutes. In the space of that time, I shifted my energy from negativity-dominant to positivity-dominant, and then I did not allow myself to backslide. This is probably the most important part of this activity. When I noticed one of those thoughts trying to creep back in (Oh no! I can’t believe that bad thing happened!), I looked at The Gratitudes and was able to focus on one of those instead. (Take that, bad thing!).
So, if you are wallowing in the quagmire, let me throw you this lifeline. Maybe it will help you, too. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 6, 2022 | (it's all about the) food, #getoutside, Connection, family, health
Have you ever eaten dandelions?
When I was little, my grandmother would send me out to the yard to pick dandelion leaves. After I brought them in, we’d put them in a large bowl and soak them in salt water, rinse, and then soak them again, and then soak them again (because third time is the charm), and then rinse well, making sure to get all the grit out.
When foraging outside, it’s important to pay attention to where the greens are located. For example: are they close to the road where car exhaust could adversely affect them? This time, I only had to venture to the back porch because this year, my husband made a planter with dandelions for me. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jun 1, 2022 | Clarity
I was getting ready to settle in with a book the other night and decided to light a small candle. I wasn’t thinking about the candle or the match as I did this. I was thinking about what I was going to do next after it was lit.
I picked up the box of matches without thinking much about it –after all, I’ve lit probably thousands of matches in my life. It was a task like brushing my teeth. Something I knew how to do, did all the time, that didn’t require much conscious thought. As I struck the match, the head of it ignited and then it flew off the matchstick and toward my left eye. Keep reading