My Quest Quest

I retired from nursing in May last year (my birthday gift to myself). I took a part time job at Quest Fitness and started working the front desk.

After a while, I thought about trying out some of the classes there and then I thought of all the reasons why this was a bad idea: I’m out of shape! I haven’t done an in-person exercise class in years! I don’t remember how to use any of the equipment! And so forth, ad nauseum. Plus, there were a lot of different types of classes (over 60!) and teachers and I had no idea where to even start.

Bottom line: I was afraid to try.

I needed a strategy!

Then an old saying came to mind … Keep reading

Book Review: Her Badass Story by Dr. Lori Monaco

Her Badass Story by Dr. Lori Monaco is a compilation of stories written by nine brave women.

These experiences of these women surely will resonate with something you have experienced in your own life. Many of them started their lives behind the eight ball–behind many eight balls, in some cases.

But this is not where their stories end. It’s where they begin.

Geronda Wollack-Spiller’s words in Chapter 7 will feel true for anyone who has ever lived in an abusive household: “My home was not my shelter …” as will Chenille Hernandez’s words in Chapter 3 for anyone whose job has taken a turn for the worst:  “My dream job became my shit job.” Keep reading

Gone fishin’!

Learning to fish is on my #2021bucketlist.

When my kids were little, my husband occasionally took them fishing. Fishing time for them meant reading time for me, because I stayed in the car with my book.


Because I never had any interest in fishing. But now, suddenly, I do.

From years of watching North Woods Law, I knew I had that I had to get my fishing license before I could catch a fish. Check! Next, I needed a fishing rod. Check! Next on the list was learning to cast.

Even though it was nineteen degrees out yesterday, my husband decided that it would a great day to teach me how to cast. Keep reading

Other ways to live

Now that I am no longer watching ANY propaganda—whoops!—mainstream media, I have so much free time to fill with learning and doing new things!

I found Brooke Whipple’s YouTube channel, Girl in the Woods, and I love it.

Why do I love it? Let me count the ways:

I tested it with my one word for this year by asking, “Does this ALIGN with my values?” Freedom? Check. Being brave? Check. Getting outside? Check.

Also, one of the absolute best ways to get out of your head (read: anxiety producing thoughts) is to ground yourself in your body, and one of the best ways to do that is to get outside and be in nature.

So in addition to being able to pretend I am out in the woods alone building a cabin, I also am learning a lot exactly what skills are needed for this. You know, just in case I ever decide to be brave and actually do it! Keep reading

Learning to shoot

I talk a lot about ‘being brave’ and ‘doing the thing you think you cannot do.’

I don’t just talk about it, though, I actually do it. In 2020, I decided that I wanted to learn to shoot.

As is often the case when learning anything new, I didn’t know how to get started. In the past, I might have let this be an insurmountable obstacle.

This time, I did not. I made this happen. Once I let the Universe know my intention, people showed up to help me.

In less than a year I have learned how to shoot a handgun and now am learning to shoot 12 and 20 gauge shotguns. Keep reading

Coming this Sunday

Lynda’s wonderful radio program is on Sunday mornings. I was lucky to be invited to talk with her recently. If you’d like to listen in, you can either stream it online at or in Maine you can listen on WLOB 100.5 FM or 1310 AM. It will air at 11am on Sunday 10/18/20.