Angels and pennies

I was at the Community Market with my books today, trying not to feel discouraged by how slow it was, and the most amazing thing happened.

the angel and the penny poem

I had a pocketful of pennies that I brought to make change when I sold a book. The first one that I gave to someone caught my eye because it was very shiny. I thought, maybe it’s a lucky penny!

I emptied all the pennies out onto the table. I had the idea of separating all the very shiny pennies out and to only use them to make change, so I did that.

I had the idea to send some energy through the pennies to charge them up to be lucky for whomever received them, so I did that. Keep reading

The BRAVE Interview #1 August 2016: Kathy Eliscu

Hello and welcome to my new series: The BRAVE Interviews! It’s the Who, What, When, Where, How,  (and sometimes Why) of YOUR ‘one brave thing’!

We are kicking off the series with Kathy Eliscu, author of the wonderful book, Not Even Dark Chocolate Can Fix This Mess.

So, let’s get started-

Me and Kathy at Falmouth Library

Me and Kathy at the Falmouth Library, 2016.

  1. WHO are you? A: I’m Kathy Eliscu. I’m a retired RN (from an injury) and have been writing freelance columns for decades. I have a 7-year-long running humor column in Maine called “Lightly Roasted” and am the author of the humor novel “Not Even Dark Chocolate Can Fix This Mess.”
  1. WHAT is your One Brave Thing (so far!!) for 2016? A: I had been scheduled for a brief reading from my book but asked if I could share some of my “serious” unpublished material and was given the go-ahead.
  1. WHEN did you do it? A: This was in May of this year.
  1. WHERE did it occur? A: At the Local Buzz in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
  1. HOW did you make it happen? A: Well…I opened my big mouth and asked.
  1. WHY did you do it?  A: I’ve been working on some serious material for a couple of years but felt very insecure about it. I wanted to push myself to try it out. It just seemed like the right time to take a chance. And I got very good feedback on it, so now I feel I have the impetus to continue to do this kind of work as well as humor writing.   

Thank you so much, Kathy!

Kathy’s wonderful book (which I read and loved!) is available on her website: and at

Not even dark choc cover

*P.S. Sorry! I am not sure who took the above picture! Keep reading

Which crystals to bring to your book sale

I was packing up my stuff to bring to my book sale and signing, when it occurred to me that maybe some of my crystals wanted to come with me. Which ones, though? I could see that the rose quartz was dying to come with. Rose quartz is all about love, and so is my book. Loving others, but also loving oneself. Rose quartz? You are so coming to the party.

book sale crystals

Citrine was another no-brainer. Hello? Prosperity!!! Abundance!!! Bring it.

Celestite: Calming. Aids communication. Yes, I need that. I added it to the pile. I also wore a blue lace agate necklace. This stone helps with clarity and communication as well. I love it! Keep reading