by Karen Creamer | Jan 17, 2023 | books, Connection, friends, Metaphysical healing, Signs and Symbols
My friend recommended this book to me last year.
I looked at it and remembered that I had a mala somewhere that looked exactly like that one on the cover!
I took this as a sign to read the book.

It drew me in right away and I recommend The Magic Mala by Bob Olson to anyone who is looking for motivation and structure to help with their floundering (or non-existent) meditation practice. I found my mala and started meditating. After several months, I got away from it but recently it popped into my mind so I pulled the book and the mala out again. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Feb 23, 2020 | Clarity, Connection, education, friends, Law of Attraction, Spiritual Practice, writing
You may have heard of Deepak Chopra’s 21 Day Meditation Series.
I have participated in it many times. This year, I decided not to.
And then a friend invited me to a group practice of this meditation series. 🙂

The synchronicity of this was amazing to me. I wanted to do a free 21 Day Challenge in my Facebook Groups but, for various reasons, talked myself out of it.
And then this invitation showed up from my friend Deb to join her 21 Day event!
I decided it aligned with my goals and values to do this. I want to meditate every day so this would help me meet that goal. It provides a nice structure–structure is my friend– so I didn’t have to think about what to do. It involves journaling and I am a strong believer in the power of writing as a therapeutic and spiritual tool. I also value the power of a community of like-minded people all focusing their energies on the same goal. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Feb 2, 2020 | books, Catching women being brave, Connection, friends, TV series
Some of my favorite books to read ever were the Nancy Drew Mysteries.
Usually I am not that excited when books are made into movies, never mind into a TV Series, but I was too curious to ignore the Nancy Drew one on the CW network.
I am not a fan of gruesome images or anything really scary on TV, both of which I found in this series.
I didn’t stop watching, though! I love the characters! I want them to be safe! I want to see how they figure things out!
If you can, watch this series. I recommend it. It’s fun. And scary! Here’s a tip if you are very nearsighted like me: Take your glasses off when you anticipate a scary scene (such as when the ghost will appear!) to take the edge off the fright. You’re welcome. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 5, 2020 | Clarity, Connection, Crystals, friends, relationships, Rocks and Crystals, Signs and Symbols
I was feeling discouraged about how things were going in my business recently when I ran into a dear friend at one of my favorite local health and wellness shops. After we hugged, she asked me how things were going, and I said something about being stalled–whatever I said, I’m sure my discouragement shone through.

Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out this crystal and put it in my hand.
“Take this. It’s fluorite. It’s for determination,” she told me. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jul 11, 2019 | Connection, family, friends, gardening
Many years ago, when my son was starting kindergarten, we lived far enough away from school that he needed to ride the bus to get there. My husband and I took turns walking with him to and from the bus stop.

While I drank coffee and watched Anthony, my husband struck up a friendship with the West Indian woman whose house was on the corner.
Her name was Cecily. She was often out working in her beautiful garden, and my husband was also a gardener, so they had this in common. They often traded plants back and forth (e.g. dug things up and gave them to each other).
Cicely had a giant, mature Japanese Maple tree that covered a third of her corner lot. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Mar 4, 2017 | friends, Interviews, local fun, Metaphysical healing, The BRAVE Interviews
Here is #8 in The BRAVE Interview series! It’s the Who, What, When, Where, How, (and sometimes Why) of YOUR ‘one brave thing’! December’s interview is with Jennifer Greiner. 🙂
WHO are you? I am Jennifer Greiner, a strong, individual woman who knows what she wants and works hard to get it. I am passionate, caring and considerate. I am professionally a therapist but also an essential oil and hula hooping enthusiast! Part of my identity has become being a significant other to a first year Med Student. Keep reading