I talk a lot about about making time for self care.

Here is something you can do in 5 minutes or so to give yourself some tools that will be ready when you are to take 5 minutes for yourself:

β€”a small basket (but you can use a tray or even a gift bagβ€”whatever you have) with crayons πŸ–Β , crystals, a card deck, journal and pen … you get the idea. Whatever YOU want.

BONUS: It can become a portable altar.

If you want some privacy and/or are not interested in feedback about your creation from various other people in your household, Tuck it under the bed (or in a closet, or in a drawer) when not in use, pull it out for a few minutes first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep. Pull a card, or write a few lines in your journal, or simply sit with your crystal of choice for a few moments and breathe.

Give yourself this gift 🎁 today!

If you are interested in more ways to take care of yourself for little or no cost, check out my book:

Honor Your Health: How to Use Holistic Healing to Create a Life of Clarity, Comfort, and Connection