by Karen Creamer | Feb 25, 2020 | author, Being BRAVE, books, Clarity, Comfort, Connection, Crystals, education, health, Holistic Healing, Metaphysical healing, Spiritual Practice
I talk a lot about about making time for self care.
Here is something you can do in 5 minutes or so to give yourself some tools that will be ready when you are to take 5 minutes for yourself:

—a small basket (but you can use a tray or even a gift bag—whatever you have) with crayons 🖍 , crystals, a card deck, journal and pen … you get the idea. Whatever YOU want.
BONUS: It can become a portable altar.
If you want some privacy and/or are not interested in feedback about your creation from various other people in your household, Tuck it under the bed (or in a closet, or in a drawer) when not in use, pull it out for a few minutes first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep. Pull a card, or write a few lines in your journal, or simply sit with your crystal of choice for a few moments and breathe. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Feb 5, 2020 | author, Book Reviews, books, Connection
As I mentioned in a prior post, I spent many hours reading the Nancy Drew mysteries when I was a girl, and I loved every one of them. As an adult, I have one of them on my book shelf currently. I chose to buy this one, The Mystery at Lilac Inn, because lilacs are my favorite flowers.

In one of the online courses I created, Go Back to Go Forward, we re-read a book from our girlhood now, to see how the perspective of adulthood changes our interpretation of the book and the insights gained from it. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 29, 2020 | author, books, Connection
After I finished Emily Dickinson’s Poetry for Kids, I looked around for some other Emily books. I found an article tailor made for me here on Book Riot, entitled
Exactly what I was looking for. I manifested what I wanted at almost the exact moment that I wanted it. Isn’t that awesome?

This led me to a book that sounded great, Emily Dickinson Beyond the Myth, but it was only available on Kindle, which is my least favorite way to read a book. And then I noticed that I somehow have been gifted with a Kindle credit which will more than cover the cost of the book! I sent a free sample to my phone and began reading it immediately and it drew me in completely. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 23, 2020 | author, Book Reviews, books, Comfort, writing
I had an Emily Dickinson Poetry book for kids years ago. In one of my frenzied de-cluttering efforts, I included it in the bags of books I donated. Now that new life has been breathed into my love of Emily Dickinson by way of Hailee Steinfeld’s #Dickinson (tired of hearing about that yet?), I want it back.
This book is sitting on my current writing desk
I am trying to console myself from missing it by imagining the book in the hands of someone who needed it more than I did and who loves it more than anything.
I decided to get it from the library before I buy it again. Maybe I just need to visit it. This book is organized according to the seasons. I decided to dive right into “Winter”. The illustrations really bring the words to vibrant life. They reach in and grab your heart and hold it tightly, just like Emily’s words. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 19, 2020 | author, writing
I am still thinking of how I am going to pull this off in my current house. This isn’t about that. It’s not about the where.This is about the what.
This is about the desk.
So, I was at the Goodwill store with my husband this week, poking around to see what we could see, and there it was. The desk I had when I was a girl. Well, not the actual desk (I don’t think, but who knows? The Universe is amazing! Maybe it was the actual desk!) but one just like it. My heart stopped, the way it does when I walk into a book store. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 13, 2020 | author, Being BRAVE, Clarity
Emily Dickinson‘s poems have always appealed to me, ever since I can remember.
When I saw Apple TV’s series Dickinson was coming out, I was excited to see it. Thank you, Apple TV, for allowing me to watch the first two episodes free.
I was transfixed. Literally spellbound. I LOVED it. I loved the music. I loved Emily. Actress Hailee Steinfeld plays Emily as if she were a modern day woman living in the 1800’s. The effect of this is incredible. As I watched, she made me wonder how I would have survived if I lived in her time. I don’t think I would have done very well. My heart was full watching Hailee’s Emily struggle to be herself in a world where a woman being brave enough to be her true self was not welcome. [Wait, things really haven’t changed very much, have they?] Keep reading