by Karen Creamer | Mar 30, 2019 | (it's all about the) food, Angel and Oracle Cards, books, Comfort, Connection, Crystals, writing
I rarely have an unscheduled day but today, I did.
A day to do whatever I feel like doing whenever I feel like doing it.
Started it off well as usual with #CeleryJuice (there is actually a new book coming out devoted entirely to the benefits of this: Medical Medium Celery Juice by Anthony William) and #HeavyMetalDetoxSmoothie (thank you for these, #MedicalMedium).
After that, it turned out to be a day of sitting and flitting from couch to computer to kitchen (#ilovealliteration) … I took periodic forays off the couch to do whatever popped into my head to do. I flitted from one thing to the next to the next without censoring my thoughts or impulses. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Feb 4, 2019 | Clarity, Comfort, Connection, Functional Health, health, local fun, Metaphysical healing, Spiritual Practice, yoga
I used to be very active. Even though the closest studio was a bit of a hike for me to get to, I went to yoga several times a week. It wasn’t always an easy class, either, but I went.
Practicing yoga is one of my favorite ways to exercise, but somehow, I got a way from it. A series of small things occurred, not the least of which was my favorite yoga teacher (Kristen! I miss you!) moved several states away. And the less I exercised, the more I ate.
The more I ate, the smaller my yoga clothes got.
And the smaller my yoga clothes got, the less I wanted to go to yoga. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Jan 30, 2019 | Book Reviews, books, Clarity, Comfort
by Karen Creamer | Jan 29, 2019 | (it's all about the) food, Book Reviews, books, Comfort, Connection
Kitchen Yarns: Notes on Life, Love, and Food by Ann Hood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this book. The only thing that prevents me from giving it 5 stars is this: There is some repetition among the chapters/stories. I believe it’s because they were originally essays published elsewhere and then brought together into this one book. That’s fine, but I kept having to stop and think, “Didn’t I read this already…?” before I made that connection. Anyway, a lovely book. Great recipes, some of which reminded me of my own Italian Nana’s. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Nov 23, 2018 | (it's all about the) food, baking, Book Reviews, books, Comfort, Connection, no fear, recipes, Spiritual Practice
I love bread.
Not just eating it! I love making it, too.
I started making bread over twenty years ago. I made all kinds of bread. For years I believed that there was only one way to make a yeast bread, and that way included quite a bit of kneading. Not my favorite thing. During one of those lengthy kneading sessions, I even made up a new word to describe it: tediosity
And then, around 2007 or so, I discovered Zoe Francois (with coauthor Jeff Hertzberg) and her new approach to making bread. I bought the book, Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day (note: there is now a newer version of this). All you need is yeast, water, flour, and salt. Keep reading
by Karen Creamer | Nov 18, 2018 | (it's all about the) food, author, Book Reviews, books, Clarity, Comfort, Connection, relationships, shopping
Who thought Carmen Shenk’s book about kitchen simplicity could change your thoughts about your own home?
I love how this book helped me see my home through the author’s lens of simplicity and how it jump-started new ideas for me about how to better organize my kitchen. Even now, weeks after I finished the book, I am still evaluating how I set up my kitchen, what’s necessary and loved, and what is just taking up space. I have a renewed energy for my de-cluttering efforts. I also loved Carmen’s approach of keeping her home a haven, and actively keeping out the negative energy that abounds in the world. Keep reading