My trip to the ER

I see almost never go to the doctor or to the hospital.

Until I last month, when I suddenly did.

I had been asleep for a few hours when I awoke with a pounding heart. It was a uncomfortable, but I wasn’t too worried.

At first.

I got up and went into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly so as not to wake up my husband. I put the light on and waited in vain for it to stop. The pounding continued, twice as fast as my heart should be beating. I took some deep breaths, trying to be calm, still waiting for it to stop.

It didn’t.

Eventually, I realized that I needed help. I woke up my husband.

The last time I had to wake my husband up in the middle of the night to take me to the hospital was when I was pregnant with my second child and my water broke. This occasion wasn’t anything as great as that, but my husband was every bit as heroic. Keep reading

Infrared Thermometer: Friend or Foe?

Lately, when I’ve been going to medical or dental appointments, I am being confronted with a demand to ‘Just check your temperature real quick’ … as if this is not an invasion of my privacy.  As if this is a mandate rather than a request to perform a medical intervention on me. Sometimes it is not even a medical professional aiming that device at my face, between my eyes.

Why question this?

Anytime anyone tells you they are going to do something to your physical body rather than asks your permission, all the red flags should start waving. All the alarms should begin to go off in you mind. Keep reading

Criminal in doctor’s clothing?

I decided to treat you all to some stream of consciousness thoughts I had this evening.

I was thinking about how so much of what I was taught in school turned out not to be true. Actually, this is an understatement, because not only was this information not true, it was in fact the opposite of truth.

I began thinking about Fauci (I am sure you have heard of him. If not, turn on any mainstream news channel and you probably hear his name and opinions ad nauseum). Fauci, in my view, is doing his best to ruin our country. Keep reading

Change the way you look at things

I have figured out how to listen to the local and national news broadcasts, most of the local and national politicians, and have it make sense.

You see, I have been wondering for weeks, months, years, why so much of what I saw and heard was happening in the world just didn’t make sense to me. Why does the government get to just take so much of the money that I’ve made over the entire course of my working years? If I just took money from others it would be called ‘stealing’. When the money was taken from me via my paycheck it was called ‘taxes’. Keep reading

While you were sleeping

It’s not your fault if you are afraid.

Everything you have experienced in your life up to this point has was designed to make you feel this way. Powerless. Scared. Maybe even despairing. Hiding in your home. Afraid to go out. Afraid to go to work.

Or, maybe you are one of the people who has decided to rat out your fellow citizens. To spy on them and tell on them. Your friends and neighbors. People you used to like, maybe. You are doing this in the name of “the greater good”, feeling virtuous because you think you are keeping everyone “safe”. You’ll show them. Keep reading

How Facebook smothers the truth

“I saw it on Facebook. It must be true.”


We all know that there is a lot of information on the internet, and not all of it is trustworthy. How do you decide what you can and cannot trust? I used to take it for granted that any information put forth by, say, government agencies must be reliable.
What I know now is that it is not. You have to go to the source and educate yourself to empower yourself so that you can advocate for yourself and your loved ones. What I also know is that if I post something that is true on Facebook, Facebook can slap a “False Information” claim on it and remove it. That’s what they did when I posted about a court case concerning vaccines and the CDC. (see below) Keep reading