While you were sleeping

It’s not your fault if you are afraid.

Everything you have experienced in your life up to this point has was designed to make you feel this way. Powerless. Scared. Maybe even despairing. Hiding in your home. Afraid to go out. Afraid to go to work.

Or, maybe you are one of the people who has decided to rat out your fellow citizens. To spy on them and tell on them. Your friends and neighbors. People you used to like, maybe. You are doing this in the name of “the greater good”, feeling virtuous because you think you are keeping everyone “safe”. You’ll show them. Keep reading

All in an instant

I was only feeding myself last Friday night, so I decided to make a pizza for one from a piece of Naan and some leftover tomato sauce and mozzarella in the fridge. I turned the oven on to preheat and then went back to working on my computer.

I heard some clanking, metallic noises behind me but at first, I didn’t pay any attention, because it wasn’t unusual for my oven to sound like that when it preheats. My husband called and I was talking to him when I noticed the clanging was getting more persistent. Keep reading

How Facebook smothers the truth

“I saw it on Facebook. It must be true.”


We all know that there is a lot of information on the internet, and not all of it is trustworthy. How do you decide what you can and cannot trust? I used to take it for granted that any information put forth by, say, government agencies must be reliable.
What I know now is that it is not. You have to go to the source and educate yourself to empower yourself so that you can advocate for yourself and your loved ones. What I also know is that if I post something that is true on Facebook, Facebook can slap a “False Information” claim on it and remove it. That’s what they did when I posted about a court case concerning vaccines and the CDC. (see below) Keep reading

And now for something completely different! 🎉🎆🧙‍♀️

Here is something different and fun for you today.

I decided to do a tarot card pull for you all.

I used The Kitchen Tarot. I actually won this deck in a contest from Elemental Energies by Chris Ann and Jeff. It sat patiently waiting for me to take significant notice of it, which happened this week. I love this practical, down-to-earth deck and I hope you will, too.

I decided to make a video for you–

Keep reading

Make a self care basket 🔆🎈🎨

I talk a lot about about making time for self care.

Here is something you can do in 5 minutes or so to give yourself some tools that will be ready when you are to take 5 minutes for yourself:

—a small basket (but you can use a tray or even a gift bag—whatever you have) with crayons 🖍 , crystals, a card deck, journal and pen … you get the idea. Whatever YOU want.

BONUS: It can become a portable altar.

If you want some privacy and/or are not interested in feedback about your creation from various other people in your household, Tuck it under the bed (or in a closet, or in a drawer) when not in use, pull it out for a few minutes first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep. Pull a card, or write a few lines in your journal, or simply sit with your crystal of choice for a few moments and breathe. Keep reading

Go back and remember

I decided to spend some time journaling to ask Elen of the Ways what she had to tell me. After all, she didn’t just show up because Maine is an awesome place to vacation (although it is, that’s true).

Why did she show up in my life now? Not last month or last year. I did some Automatic Writing and got some interesting messages. One of them was this:

Remember the Salamanders.

Salamanders? Um, what? And then I did remember.

When I was a girl, I used to sort of collect salamanders. I would find them in the woods under rotting logs and capture them, and then put them in a shoe box. I’d bring them home and keep them on the back porch for a while. My mother was pretty tolerant of all kinds of animals but I wonder if the salamanders pushed that boundary. Probably not. Of course, i did let them go. Keep reading