You gotta have faith

I choose a word to focus on every year … and then I start collecting stuff.

In my defense, over the more than 10 years I have been engaging in the My One Word practice, I discovered that it’s very helpful to keep your word front and center by placing it in your field of view when it’s practical to do so. I love and drink a lot of coffee and tea on a normal working day, so a mug makes the perfect vehicle for my word.

I saw this mug at a local yard sale last week.

I was walking up and down the rows of tables when the bright yellow color beckoned. [Disclaimer: Yellow is my favorite color, so my eyes are always primed to see it.] Keep reading

How to start your day

My friend Holly, acupuncturist and yoga teacher extraordinaire, is offering a 3 Day (Free) Yin Yang Yoga Challenge.

I love a challenge!

I also love sleep.

This challenge requires getting up at 7am (almost dawn!) three days in a row, two of which I was planning on, um, not doing that.

Then I saw Holly’s FB live last night, inviting those of us who like to sleep in (me! me!) to consider getting out of bed early to participate live. What could I do?

She had my number, as they say.
Maybe she has yours, too.

It’s not too late to join! You participate from the comfort of your own home and no special props are required—you can truly come as you are. It lasts about half an hour. Watch (and practice along!) with the replay from this morning’s class, “I am worthy”, which is posted in the group. Then join us live this Saturday and Sunday (2/1/20 and 2/2/20)  morning at 7am. Just join Holly Pelletier’s Facebook Group by clicking here: 3 Day Yin Yang Yoga Challenge Keep reading

Grounding in the dark

I love sleep.

When I don’t have to be at work or at an appointment early, my first impulse is always to sleep in. To sleep late. To luxuriate under the covers with no demands made on me.

When my husband has to be up early, I get up with him and see him off, and then I make myself a cup of coffee and take it back to bed. I might drink half of it but then I go back to sleep.

This feels like a total gift.

Other times, however, I stay up. Like today. I went outside in the dark and looked at the sky. I looked at the snow. I smelled the air. I breathed it all in. I felt the crunching ice under my boots. I realized that being outside in the dark at this early hour was helping me feel grounded in place. It conveyed an “I am right where I am supposed to be” feeling to me that helped me feel calm and centered. Connected not only to the physical world but to myself, as well as to all of the other people that might have also been up early, looking up at the sky. Keep reading

The obstacle is the way

I used to be very active. Even though the closest studio was a bit of a hike for me to get to, I went to yoga several times a week. It wasn’t always an easy class, either, but I went.

Practicing yoga is one of my favorite ways to exercise, but somehow, I got a way from it. A series of small things occurred, not the least of which was my favorite yoga teacher (Kristen! I miss you!) moved several states away. And the less I exercised, the more I ate.

The more I ate, the smaller my yoga clothes got.

And the smaller my yoga clothes got, the less I wanted to go to yoga. Keep reading

The two most powerful words

The two most powerful words you can say are these: 


Last year, my friend Melissa Boyd introduced me to a song that embodies this idea in such a beautiful way! I want to share it with you all. 

“I am the light of my soul. I am beautiful. I am bountiful. I am bliss.”

I hope you will give yourself the less than three minutes it takes to watch and listen to this video right now. Start with a drop or two of essential oil (may I suggest Rosemary for clarity and remembrance?) on a cotton ball or tissue to engage all of your senses! Keep reading

Why I’m unsubscribing from Good Housekeeping

Last night I was working on a Vision Board in preparation for a class I am teaching next month. For this particuIar project, I was trying to avoid looking at the words and focus just on the images, so it took me a while to notice how many of the ads in the magazine were drug company ads.

I decided to go back to the beginning and tear out all of the pharmaceutical ads.

I could not believe it!

So many ads telling us that we are broken, faulty, but don’t worry–we can sell you a medication for that! A toxic, potentially deadly, medication.

The most egregious of these is the Gardasil ad. I recently heard this vaccine referred to as “Garda-kill” by Brandy Vaughn (a former drug company rep for Merck). Think about that.

Next time you are offered a drug or a vaccine (or any medical intervention or treatment), ask questions.

If you only ask one question, let it be this: Can I see the package insert for that? And if you are #brave enough to ask a second question of your healthcare provider, ask this: Have you read it? Keep reading