How Facebook smothers the truth

“I saw it on Facebook. It must be true.”


We all know that there is a lot of information on the internet, and not all of it is trustworthy. How do you decide what you can and cannot trust? I used to take it for granted that any information put forth by, say, government agencies must be reliable.
What I know now is that it is not. You have to go to the source and educate yourself to empower yourself so that you can advocate for yourself and your loved ones. What I also know is that if I post something that is true on Facebook, Facebook can slap a “False Information” claim on it and remove it. That’s what they did when I posted about a court case concerning vaccines and the CDC. (see below) Keep reading

And now for something completely different! 🎉🎆🧙‍♀️

Here is something different and fun for you today.

I decided to do a tarot card pull for you all.

I used The Kitchen Tarot. I actually won this deck in a contest from Elemental Energies by Chris Ann and Jeff. It sat patiently waiting for me to take significant notice of it, which happened this week. I love this practical, down-to-earth deck and I hope you will, too.

I decided to make a video for you–

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Make a self care basket 🔆🎈🎨

I talk a lot about about making time for self care.

Here is something you can do in 5 minutes or so to give yourself some tools that will be ready when you are to take 5 minutes for yourself:

—a small basket (but you can use a tray or even a gift bag—whatever you have) with crayons 🖍 , crystals, a card deck, journal and pen … you get the idea. Whatever YOU want.

BONUS: It can become a portable altar.

If you want some privacy and/or are not interested in feedback about your creation from various other people in your household, Tuck it under the bed (or in a closet, or in a drawer) when not in use, pull it out for a few minutes first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep. Pull a card, or write a few lines in your journal, or simply sit with your crystal of choice for a few moments and breathe. Keep reading

Abundance Mindset ✨🎁💥🧡

You may have heard of Deepak Chopra’s 21 Day Meditation Series.

I have participated in it many times. This year, I decided not to.

And then a friend invited me to a group practice of this meditation series. 🙂

The synchronicity of this was amazing to me. I wanted to do a free 21 Day Challenge in my Facebook Groups but, for various reasons, talked myself out of it.

And then this invitation showed up from my friend Deb to join her 21 Day event!

I decided it aligned with my goals and values to do this. I want to meditate every day so this would help me meet that goal. It provides a nice structure–structure is my friend– so I didn’t have to think about what to do. It involves journaling and I am a strong believer in the power of writing as a therapeutic and spiritual tool. I also value the power of a community of like-minded people all focusing their energies on the same goal. Keep reading

You gotta have faith

I choose a word to focus on every year … and then I start collecting stuff.

In my defense, over the more than 10 years I have been engaging in the My One Word practice, I discovered that it’s very helpful to keep your word front and center by placing it in your field of view when it’s practical to do so. I love and drink a lot of coffee and tea on a normal working day, so a mug makes the perfect vehicle for my word.

I saw this mug at a local yard sale last week.

I was walking up and down the rows of tables when the bright yellow color beckoned. [Disclaimer: Yellow is my favorite color, so my eyes are always primed to see it.] Keep reading

How to start your day

My friend Holly, acupuncturist and yoga teacher extraordinaire, is offering a 3 Day (Free) Yin Yang Yoga Challenge.

I love a challenge!

I also love sleep.

This challenge requires getting up at 7am (almost dawn!) three days in a row, two of which I was planning on, um, not doing that.

Then I saw Holly’s FB live last night, inviting those of us who like to sleep in (me! me!) to consider getting out of bed early to participate live. What could I do?

She had my number, as they say.
Maybe she has yours, too.

It’s not too late to join! You participate from the comfort of your own home and no special props are required—you can truly come as you are. It lasts about half an hour. Watch (and practice along!) with the replay from this morning’s class, “I am worthy”, which is posted in the group. Then join us live this Saturday and Sunday (2/1/20 and 2/2/20)  morning at 7am. Just join Holly Pelletier’s Facebook Group by clicking here: 3 Day Yin Yang Yoga Challenge Keep reading